Welcome: New Blog & New Year
March 1, 2016
I would like to say "Happy New Year!" though it seems too late to do so, now that we are in the third month of the year. Welcome to my website - I hope you were moved by my novel, The Memory of Flight, and will sign up to receive this newsletter, which will come out twice per month.Last year had many highlights, including the honor of receiving the 2015 Georgia Author of the Year Award for First Novel for The Memory of Flight. I have talked with so many people who have read my book, former high school classmates, co-workers, friends, and complete strangers. A few people shared bits of themselves and how The Memory of Flight spoke to their own lives, and I am honored.
This year also held a great loss for me. My brother, Joey, who was also one of my closest friends, died from complications from surgery in July. The grief from losing him left me struggling for months, getting better and then falling back. But finally, there are longer and longer periods of being okay. I am writing again. I am comforted with a bittersweet homesickness when I see his expressions on the faces of his three daughters and just like Ginny, a character in The Memory of Flight, am grateful for all the old photographs from our childhood that prompt such tangible memories of my beloved brother. It prompts me to both pay more attention to those I love who are with me and to take pictures – many pictures.
I hope 2016 has started out with opportunity and adventure for each of you and that you are up for the challenge. Thank you again for visiting my website and have a wonderful New Year.
Debra Bowling